Welcome to Ugalla River National Park

Ugalla River National Park was established in 2019,is found in Tabora Region, of west-central Tanzania. The safari park is one of the  new national parks. It was   before  a hunting block.Though it is less  famous compared to serengeti  and other old National parks , It is now  emerging  to be a great place for safaris adventures. It covers an estimated area of over 3,865km² .

The National Park drew its name  from the The Ugalla River which is  a slow-moving  with many sandbanks, pools, oxbow lakes , it flows  through the middle of the park  and is the main part  of  attraction to the visitors . The river has also  recorded a very high number of crocodiles in Africa  due to the river environment  which provided a good number and  better sandbanks  for laying eggs  and hatching. The park  has many different animal species including the  Hippo, Elephant sable, Lion, Topi, Roan, Wild dog, Greater kudu, Zebra  and many more.

Park Attraction and activities

Game viewing

The Ugalla national park is one of the best places that offer game viewing experiences to the visitors. The game viewing activities are best conducted during the dry season commonly from July through October. This is the best season since the varieties of animal species concentrate around the Ugalla River and it becomes one of the best and exciting times for game viewing. There are many species of wildlife  but not short of buffalos, elephants, leopards, giraffes, zebras,

Bird Watching:

Some of the most common birds you may see while bird watching in  this park include the African fish eagle, the Marabou stork, giant kingfisher,  African grey hornbill.

Walking Safaris

Ugalla River National Park permits guided nature walking safaris. You will grab an opportunity to explore the beautiful park while on foot and having a close look at the different forms at a very close distance and so personal. Walking safaris will aloe you to experience nature at its fin


The Ugalla River National Park can be accessed by both AIr   and  Road.

By Road: During the dry season fro June to Early November the park can be accessed by road From Tabora town (170 Km), Kaliua  town district (45 Km) and from Urambao town district (75 Km)

By  Air: There are three  airtrips  which are within the park named Muhuha ,Siri and Kasense but can only be accessed during the dry season. Other nearby airports are Tabora, Urambo  and Kaliua.

By Train:The  nearby   local train stations  are Usoke and kaliua station for Tabora-kigoma route and other stations are  Lumbe  and Ugala for Mpanda -Kaliua route.


The park experiences a seasonal tropical climate with rain season from November to the end of May with peak rainfall usually from April to May. The mean annual rainfall ranges with an average from 800 to 1000mm  while the temperature  ranges  lies between 28 C- 30 C and 15 C – 21C respectively

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