Welcome to Lake Manyara National Park

Lake Manyara National Park is a protected area in Manyara Regions, situated between Lake Manyara and the Great Rift Valley. It is administered by the Tanzania National Parks Authority, and covers an area of 325 km2 (125 sq mi) including about 230 km2 (89 sq mi) lake surface. More than 350 bird species have been observed on the lake.


Since the 1920s, Lake Manyara area has been used for sports hunting.[3] In 1957, a game reserve was established.In 1960, it was given National Park status and in 1974 about 550 ha (1,400 acres) were added to the southern end. The majority of the land area of the park is a narrow strip running between the Gregory Rift wall to the west and Lake Manyara, an alkaline lake, to the east.The national park only includes the northwest quadrant of the lake, about 200 km2 (77 sq mi). It is part of the much larger Lake Manyara Biosphere Reserve, established in 1981 by UNESCO as part of its Man and the Biosphere Program.

The park derives its name from a plant called Euphorbia tirucalli, known as Emanyara in Maasai language and covers an area of 648.7 km2.

The lush green vegetation consisting of tall trees of the groundwater forest, the tree climbing lions, the soda lake inhabited with thousands of pink-hued flamingos, large water birds and the troops of baboons and blue monkeys  and the rift valley escarpment make your safari to this area unforgettable.


The Park has remarkable attractions most notably the tree climbing lions, Marang’ forest, hot spring, ground water forest, diversity of bird species and the rift valley. Plan your trip by visiting Lake Manyara National Park where you will get an exceptional experience that quenches your travel thirst. mals

Animals found here include elephants, buffalo, hippo , leopard, occasional cheetah and giraffe. Lions here have opted to rest up during the heat of midday in trees, giving Manyara lions somewhat different behavior.

The Park can be accessed by road or air

Road. The park is 115 km from Arusha city to the main gate via Makuyuni-Ngorongoro road.

Air. Can be accessed through scheduled flights to Manyara Airstrips.


The Park experiences bi-modal rainfall season with short rains starting from November to December and long rains from February to May and dry season from late June to October.

It is located at an altitude between 850 and 2000 meters with annual average rainfall ranging from 650 to 760mm.

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