Welcome to Pemba Island

Pemba Island is part of Tanzania’s Zanzibar Archipelago, off the coast of Tanzania in the Indian Ocean. It’s known for its lush, green hills and clove plantations. The Pemba Channel, with its coral reefs and abundant marine life, separates the island from mainland Tanzania. The main town, Chake Chake, has a ruined 18th-century fort with a museum. Offshore, Misali Island is home to the Fischer’s turaco, a colorful rare bird. It covers  an area of 988 km²

​Mafia is renowned as an excellent world-class diving destination with some of the richest reefs in the world, The park covers the Southern part of Mafia Island and includes the inhabited islands of Chole, Juani Jibondo and Bwejuu and several uninhabited islets and the associated waters.

 Attractions and activities:

The Ngezi Forest reserve

Ngezi Forest is an ideal place. It is located on the northwestern corner of Pemba Island. This equatorial forest reserve contains rare trees, some not found anywhere else in the world. The wildlife includes indigenous flying foxes, blue duikers and several varieties of owl. The forest opens up on the east to Vumawimbi Beach, an isolated and untouched stretch of beach that will make you feel that you are the only person in the world.

Misali Island:

The island of Misali, 17 km off the west coast of Chake Chake, is one of the Pemba highlights,    offering  idyllic beaches, nature trails for spotting flying foxes (bats), good snorkeling and superb diving. Misali’s real treasury is its rich ecosystem, which boasts 42 types of coral , over three hundred species of fish, a rare subspecies of velvet monkey, endangered colonies of flying foxes, nesting sites for green and hawksbill turtles, and a large, if rarely seen population of nocturnal coconut crabs


Pemba Island  is saved by both boats and Air

By Boat:  You can reach  Pemba  from mainland  Tanzania by boat as there is  a good port to save bigger vessels . Also  from different places around  the world, There are schedule departure  from  Dar , Zanzibar, tanga   and many either area

By Air: There are chartered flights from many areas   of the mainland including Dar Airport  and  also  from Zanziba. There are also  daily  scheduled flights to the Island.

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