Welcome to Arusha National Park

This beautiful Park has often been called a “little germ” and rightly so. It is only ½ an hour by tarmac road from Arusha town, the safari center of Northern Tanzania. With mountains, valleys, Kilimanjarolakes, and small plains clothed in green, it has a wonderful feeling of peace and solitude. It is dominated by Mount Meru, which at 4,566 m (14,980 ft) is the 5rd highest free standing mountain in Africa.

The park is small but varied with spectacular landscapes and wildlife  in three distinct areas. In the west, the Meru Crater funnels the Jekukumia River; the peak of Mount Meru lies on its rim. Ngurdoto Crater in the south-east is grassland. The shallow alkaline Momella Lakes in the north-east have varying algal colors and are known for their wading birds.

Mount Meru is the second highest peak in Tanzania after Mount Kilimanjaro, which is just 60 km away and forms a backdrop to views from the park to the east. Its landscape on arrival   offers unforgettable experience and serves as an acclimatization refuge before climbing Mount  meru

Arusha National Park lies on a 300-kilometer axis of Africa’s most famous national parks, running from Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater in the west to Kilimanjaro National Park in the east.

The park  also lies  just a few kilometers north east of Arusha town, though the main gate is 25 km eastThe Park offer way too much attractions compared to its area The unforgiving landscapes of Mount Meru and Ash cone, scenic view of Momella Lakes, tropical forest glades,Ngurdoto Crater are just a few

Visitors to this Park will have opportunities to do game viewing ,ride a horse ,climb the mount Meru as well as do organized walks with a park ranger . It is also 58 km from Moshi and 35 km from Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA).


The Park can be visited throughout the year; however the best time is between June to September and from December to early March. The short rainy period is from October to November and the heavy rain season is from March to May. The park is located at an altitude between 1,700 and 4566 meters.

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