Welcome to Serengeti National Park

Maasai people called this park ‘Siringet’, meaning endless plains. The Serengeti speaks for itself and with good reason not only the migration of over 1 million wildebeest through its plains and woodlands but also unique landscapes and other spectacular wildlife.

The park was established in 1951 and covers 5,700 square miles (14,763 square km) of some of the best grassland range in Africa, as well as extensive acacia woodland savanna.

Serengeti National Park,  is known for its massive annual migration of wildebeest and zebra. Seeking new pasture, the herds move north from their breeding grounds in the grassy southern plains. Many cross the marshy western corridor’s crocodile-infested Grumeti River. Others veer northeast to the Lobo Hills, home to black eagles. Black rhinos inhabit the granite outcrops of the Moru Kopjes.The ecosystem of the park is coming together with the Ngorongoro conservation area for animal breeding

The Serengeti is home to the world’s largest populations of Wildebeest, Zebra, Cape Eland, Lion, Cheetah, Hyena and Gazelles. The scenic beauty of the sky with cool nights and warm days makes your visit to this remaining home for great migration of large mammals incredible

Attractions and other Other activities

Serengeti National Park, a world-renowned World Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site that has more attractions than any other national park in Africa and it has scooped  many   International Tourism Awards, the  latest one is  Africa Leading National Park Award 2023 for the fifth year  consecutive.

The Great Migration, The Big Five, Unique Bird Collections, Endangered Species, Highest concentration of Carnivores and Herbivores, Scenic and Spectacular Landscapes are some of the attractions one will encounter!

Diverse Birdlife

With more than 530 species recorded, one quarter being those migrating from other parts of the world, the park form an ecological important bird area and ideal place for bird lovers! Some of the species commonly seen are European and Abdim’s storks, Eurasian Roller, Barn Swallows, Fish & Martial Eagles etc.

Largest Concentration of Herbivores

Serengeti has more than 28 species of herbivores including buffalos, wildebeest, zebras, elands, hippos and waterbucks. During game viewing spotting  herbivores coloring the endless plains while feeding gives you a thrilling experience

Cultural & Historical Sites

Serengeti is home to many cultures from the famous tribes of Maasai, Sukuma, Kurya and Ikoma. Indigenous maasai ,ikoma use to live in parts of the park before they were resettled outside the park. The present signs which are still visible at Maasai Rock Painting, Gong rock and Ikoma ruins marks a special combination of game viewing and human history.

Scenic and Spectacular Landscapes

The vast scenic and unspoiled landscapes among others made this area recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. With its vast plains, rolling hills and island of Kopjes increases the beauty of the park

Plants and Insects tour

The park is rich in plant life as well as insects. During the rain seasons the park bust in wild flowers and beautiful butterflies providing exceptional experience to botanists and entomologist

Hot Air Balloon Safari tour

Hot Air balloon which  gives visitors a chance to see the park in a different perspective!…. Seeing it from the top!

Game Viewing by Vehicles

This is a major tourist activity in the park. It gives the visitors an opportunity to see animal comfortably from their vehicles 

Professional Filming Photographing

The park is a perfect place for professional photography, footage and filming.


The climate of the Serengeti National Park is subtropical, with rain season from November to April and dry season from May to October.The park is located at an altitude between 1,100 and 2,000 meters with annual average rainfall ranging from 900 to 1,000 mm.


The park can be accessed by road and air.

By Road. Accessed from all towns and cities to the present entry or exit points  gates namely Naabi Hill, Seronera, Ndutu, Kusini, Kirawira, Handajega, Ikoma, Tabora ‘B’, Lamai, Lobo, Ndabaka, Machochwe and Kleins.Air.

By Air There are all weather airstrips in the center of the park (Seronera), in the South (Kusini), in the East (Lobo), in the West (Kirawira) and in the North (Kogatende & Lamai). There are scheduled and private charters from Arusha, Mwanza, Kilimanjaro, Musoma, Dar es salaam and Zanzibar.

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