Welcome to Kigosi National Park

The Kigosi National Park is a national park located in multiple regions in Tanzania;   those regions are  Shinyanga Region, Geita Region and northwest Tabora Region . Kigosi National Park was established in 2019 being part of Kigosi game reserve from 1983  It extends from Bukombe and Kahama Districts in Shinyanga Region up to Urambo District in Tabora Region. The park covers an area of more than 7000  square  Km

It  is a part of the Moyowosi/Malagarasi wetlands complex, which is the largest wetlands complex  with  an area of about 8,265 km2. The Malagarasi, Moyowosi, Nikonga, Ugalla, Kigosi, Nikonga, and Gombe are  all slow-moving rivers that meander through the waterland terrains. truncate several  networks of marshes, plains lakes, and woodlands.. These rivers eventually combine to form the Malagarasi River, which empties into  Lake Tanganyika.

The  Moyowosi river and its twisting corners  bordering  the kigosi  National park  provides a lifeline to all mammals  within the PArks  especially during  dry seasons The valleys, fresh springs and waterholes support  animal habitation and the ecosystem to support  animal and bird reproduction The swampy terrain  appearing  in the south of  the National park , while the drier woodlands dominate the northern part.Kigosi houses Tanzania’ most predominat wetland and floodplain ecosystem  for the support of wildlife.

Attraction and  Park activities:

Kigosi National Park is one of the largest and national in East Africa which has a floodplain and wetland ecosystem.Game viewing is moderate but animals like Leopard Buffalo, Baboon, Zebra Bushbuck hyena, Hippo Sable , Waterbucks, crocodile, lion, hartebeest  and many more are available . Also  Bird watching  will not disappoint everyone .The vegetation and  park terrain full of miombo  with  flood palin will  make you  admire the beauty of nature while  visiting Kigosi NAtional Park. 

Best Time to  Visit

Kigosi National Park can well be during the dry season, which is from June to September is the best time of year to visit. Roads are clear and less muddy. The thicket shrubs   thin out, making it easier for game viewing. February and November are the heavy rainfall months, making the area quite swampy and very sleepy.This  is making  navigation very difficult for everyone.


By Road:The reserve is easily accessible by road using four wheel drive cars ,all of the tour operator have  good vehicle  for taking you through to  the National park.

By Air:  Park  can served  by chatters plane  from all main cities  in tanzania, Mwanza, Dar es Salaam, Arusha , Zanzibar  also from town like Kigoma and Tabora . 


The maximum temperature of the area is 29  Celcious.

There are two rainfall peaks annually in this reserve and these appear in February and

November. The dry season starts in mid May and ends in mid October.  Annual rainfall

 varies between 1,000m and 1,500m.

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4 Days Explore Kigosi National Park


4 Days Explore Kigosi National Park