Welcome to Burigi_Chato National Park

This new  National Park called  Burigi-Chato combines 3 former Game Reserves into 1 unit.

which  is now 4,707 sq km making it the 4th largest National Park in Tanzania.. It was established as a National park in 2019. It is located  close to the south – western border of lake Victoria to the eastern border of Rwanda and is surrounded by the wondrous waters of the Kagera River and Lake Burigi.

This National Park is set among the  scenic lakes and the riverside which is a delight for the eyes of any tourist. It stretches from the shore south west of  Lake Victoria to the Rwandan eastern border. . The park is  an enormous piece of wild country featuring  freshwater lakes, long hills, rocky crags along escarpments, deeply set valleys lined with   forest, open plains, swamps, rivers, flood plains and hundreds of square kilometers of medium and tall grass wooded savanna  mostly combretum and Terminalia  locally  known as miombo Burigi-Chato National Park  has a wide collection of wildlife and some of them are elephants, buffaloes, antelopes, lions, leopards, zebras and giraffes. Also some rare species of birds are also found within the park .

Park Attractions and Wildlife

A key attraction in this National Park are the lakes with Lake Burigi being the 3rd largest lake in the country. It is a long lake with a number of islands, inlets and bays along its length, some of which are swampy and are home for the rare Sitatunga antelope, and possibly also the even rarer shoe billed stork.

One of the special features about the wildlife of this park is that one of the largest antelopes of the world the statuesque Cape eland is found here Also the park  extends  towards  north  and share the ecosystem of  akagera parks in Rwanda  and  Ibanda-Kyerwa National Park  of Tanzania.


This part of Tanzania has two rainfall peaks, November / December and another in March / April, with dry weather from June to September. Temperatures are pleasant with cool nights and warm days.


The park can be accessed by  Air and local roads

The nearest local town is Chato which has an  local operative Airport, and private charters are possible to an airstrip near the Nkonje Ranger Post beside Lake Burigi, or to the Biharamulo airstrip.

By  Road:The park is well connected from the main bordering town and cities like Mwanza, Geita Karagwe , Bukoba  and Biharamulo.  For any traveler transport can be arranged from anywhere around the country with special tour vehicles at a reasonable cost.

Burigi-Chato National Park also involves the other ecosystems of Rwanda Akagera National Park and Uganda’s Kikati game reserve, rangeland are to the north of the Katungo River and the lake Mburo National park.Burigi – Chato National Park is  the typical grasslands of the African Savannah.

Related Tours

4 Days Burigi-Chato Explore Safari Tour.


4 Days Burigi-Chato Explore Safari Tour.